There is a song by Lit that has this lyric:
Ain’t it the truth! At least I know it is true for me. So many times we know what we should do to make ourselves better and healthier and yet we chose the complete opposite thing. Why do we do that? Is it easier to make that choice? In the long run it makes us feel worse about ourselves. So why do we keep doing it? Why do we keep sabotaging ourselves?
Here are 4 ways to combat that self-sabotage when it comes to working out.
You have all your appointments on your calendar and you see them on your smart phone all day long. Put your workout on your calendar and make an appointment with your gym. Once it is on your calendar, don’t miss it! Treat it like all the other important things you have to do.
I have all my workout times on my calendar. I try to schedule all my other appointments and my kids’ appointments around those workouts. When it’s scheduled into your life you are more likely to do it because you have planned ahead to use that time for yourself.
YES your job is important, don’t skip work to workout, unless you work from home and you sneak one in — you know who you are— but schedule time before or after work to invest in your health. And YES, it is just as important to take that time for yourself as it is to take your kid to camp, tuba lessons, the orthodontist or on a play date.
Make gym time a priority for yourself.
Friends are fun. Friends keep you accountable. Friends will suffer with you when you are doing burpees.
If I know a friend is expecting me to be there, I am going to show up. Accountability. Make a workout pact with a friend or group of friends. For, example commit to being at the gym at least three times a week or agree to do a certain number of classes per month, then encourage each other to keep this pact.
Studies show that we work out harder when we are in a group. So friends help us have better work outs.
And you will finally be able to afford a personal trainer if you bring your friends. Group training is a whole lot cheaper than paying for a one on one session of personal training — insert shameless plug for Tribe Training here — Oh BRAINSTORM a good workout pact would be to try a couple of training sessions together! — and end shameless Tribe Training plug —
I will continue saying this forever, working out doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. You can work hard and play hard it’s ok to laugh with your friends at the gym.
So tell your friends to meet you at the gym, you’ll be less likely to stay home and eat potato chips on the couch.
We may not all be training for the Olympics or the Crossfit games, but we can set fitness goals for ourselves to give us something to work toward and keep us motivated.
A fitness goal needs to be SMART
Specific — clear and concise
Measurable — specific criteria that you can monitor or track
Attainable, — are you willing to work for this goal, are you capable
Realistic — is the goal achievable
Time-bound — set a deadline
What is it you want to be able to do physically? Get through an entire Attack class doing the highest options the whole time? Do all the push ups on your toes in class? Deadlift a certain amount of weight? Run a 5K with out walking, a marathon? Do a pull-up, unassisted? A hand stand push up? Lose 10 lbs? Be able to carry your 5 year old up the stairs because he asked you to and not be winded?
The possibilities are endless, use your imagination and then run your goal by an instructor or personal trainer to make sure it is a SMART goal.
Confession time: if I only worked out when I felt like it then it would very rarely happen. There are so many reasons I could just skip the gym. Aches and pains, I got plenty. Actual injuries, yep. A million other things to do, yep. Tired, yep. Unmotivated, you bet. Most of the time, I just pack my gym bag and go anyway. I have actually shown up extra early for a workout after dropping off a kid at camp or lessons or wherever because I knew if I went back home I wouldn’t leave again to make it to the gym (but it’s on my calendar so I have to go!).
There have been countless times that I am on my way to the gym thinking, “I really don’t feel like doing this today.” But, once I get started I am so glad I am there .
I can not think of one time I have ever regretted a workout. Even if I have completely sucked at it that day. Some days are better than others, some days you kill it some days you feel like it is killing you. And that’s OK because you still
benefited from that gym time.
You should always feel like you have accomplished something at the end of your workout Because you have! Each sweat session is a step closer to your goal. Each workout makes you stronger, fitter, healthier. Each time you get yourself to the gym when you really didn’t want to go you have punched self-sabotage in the face.
BY: Trudy Huter
fitness, Fitness Consulting, group fitness, Motivation
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