No Excuses Monday
BodyCombat Free on Mondays at 5:30AM
No Excuses…
Monday is the day you never should skip! So here at CHAMP we stand by that with No Excuses Monday. When you start your week with fitness you are more likely to stick with it and meet your goals all week long.
Christina one of our encouraging Les Mills Body Combat instructors came to us with an idea of joining a free fitness movement hence the creation of No Excuses Monday is the way we are getting involved.
Beginning on Monday, October 17, CHAMP will offer Les Mills Body Combat at 5:30 AM for FREE! No strings attached! We want to pack the house every Monday to help you make fitness and wellness a part of your week. Can you help us by sharing this FREE class with friends?
Are you wondering what Body Combat is?
BODYCOMBAT™ is a high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is totally non-contact. Punch and kick your way to fitness and burn up to 740 calories* in a class. No experience needed. Learn moves from Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira and Kung Fu. Release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ. Bring your best fighter attitude and leave inhibitions at the door.
Check out this brief video of Combat at CHAMP. You can learn more about all the classes at CHAMP by visiting CLICKING HERE or Les Mills
CHAMP Chiropractic and Fitness
9625 E. 150th St.
Noblesville, IN 46060
Inside the Hamilton County Sports Complex, Ste. 105
BY: Ian Stone
fitness / group fitness / les mills / Motivation / Weight Loss / wellness
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CHAMP expands to offer Massage Therapy!
I am thrilled to announce Charles C. as our massage therapist at CHAMP. Charles is a graduate of the Indiana College of Sports and Medical Massage. He joins CHAMP on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons beginning October 12.
I have wanted to expand CHAMP and offer massage therapy for my patients because I know that massage therapy will complete the highest level of care we can offer. At CHAMP we want to maximize clients’ and patients’ treatment and help them reach their personal goals.
Charles is a perfect fit for CHAMP. Several years ago he was in an accident. He attributes his ability to recover and return to his active lifestyle to the combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy. In fact it was his rehabilitation through chiropractic and massage that brought him to a massage therapy career and to CHAMP.
Beginning immediately massage therapy will be an additional treatment used for chiropractic patients and a service available to CHAMP Fitness members and the public.
CHAMP will be offering a 60-minute introductory massage for $49.99. We will also be offering spot therapy massage treatments, massage packages, and memberships. Don’t hesitate to get started to make massage therapy part of your overall wellness.
Call today 317-219-4980 or book online
Dr. Ian Stone, Owner and Chiropractor
BY: Ian Stone
chiropractic / injury / Massage Therapy / Medical Articles / News / pain / wellness
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The Ankle Bone’s Connected to the Leg Bone – The Kinetic Chain
Do you remember that song you sing/sang with your kids “the ankle bone’s connected to the leg bone, the leg bone’s connected to the knee bone and so on all the way to the head?” Well, it’s not just a made up song only the bone names are fiction.
The reality is our body is intricately connected in many ways: nerves, ligaments, bones, organs, and the lists goes on. Chiropractic is founded on the basis of the kinetic chain; that a properly aligned spinal column will allow for the optimum performance of the body.
At CHAMP Chiropractic I focus on all elements within the kinetic chain. Some chiropractors choose to focus solely on the spine and hips; however, I treat beyond the spine. In fact I have some patients whose treatment plan doesn’t include traditional adjustments.
When looking at the kinetic chain as it applies to the feet and plantar fasciitis, it is important to look at the tension of the achilles tendon, the activity of the calf muscles, and the stability of the mortise-talise joint in the ankle. What people often fail to realize is that injury or pain in the plantar fascia is due to an imbalance of one of the other associated areas and solely focusing on treating the fascia will only give temporary relief.
When assessing the kinetic chain as it applies to the knees it is important to look above and below the point with pain. When looking at the knees it is necessary to consider the calves, ankle stability, glutes, tensor fascia Latae, IT band, si joint mobility, and the quadricep muscles.
A large majority of my patients are active adults and student athletes. I constantly asses gate and use orthopedic tests to determine the root cause of pain or injury. This is helpful in prevention as well as rehabilitation.
Have you been ignoring pain or pushing through? Let’s set up a time to discuss your symptoms and a potential treatment plan. I want you to feel your best and avoid injury. At CHAMP Chiropractic I offer FREE CONSULTATIONS. There is no hidden cost or obligation.
I want you to feel comfortable and confident that chiropractic care with me as your doctor is the best choice. I accept most major insurance plans, and I offer competitive pricing for patients without chiropractic insurance or those choosing up front
not to use their insurance. We can also accept HSAs.
What do you have to lose? Call me today 317-219-4980.
Dr. Ian Stone
Chiropractor, Owner
CHAMP Chiropractic and Fitness
BY: Ian Stone
chiropractic / feet / fitness / injury / pain / Uncategorized
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Think You’ve Tried Everything?
Have you tried chiropractic? Many of my current patients come to see me for chiropractic care as a last resort. They’ve tried everything else first. They’ve accepted that pain is their new normal.
I want you to know that you don’t have to try everything else first, in many cases chiropractic care can be your first call. Chances are that with early intervention, chiropractic care may be your last call too.
Here are just a few success stories about our treatments…
Chiropractic Care and Plantar Fasciitis
Tammy came to me after her medical doctor and orthopedic doctor told her “the only thing she could do was wear orthotic shoes or insoles every day.” Tammy didn’t accept this as her only option and began treatment and therapy at CHAMP. In about two months of regular treatments her constant pain from Plantar Fasciitis has ended and she doesn’t have to wear special shoes or insoles. Tammy has been free from Plantar Fasciitis pain for two years.
Chiropractic Care and Range of Motion
Brian came to see me after he sustained a shoulder injury on the golf course. Brian is an avid golfer and actually had been attending my golf fitness class for months before his injury. Brian hadn’t been to a chiropractor before. We worked together with graston, ART, and spinal manipulation to return and even improve the range of motion in his shoulder. Now Brian has become a regular chiropractic patient and does wellness visits to keep feeling strong and healthy.
Kathy came to see me two years after breaking her arm and shoulder from a fall and extensive surgery. Even after two years of physical therapy and rehabilitation, Kathy was unable to manage simple daily tasks like drying her hair or fastening an undergarment, and it had greatly affected her quality of life. At the time Kathy was 69 and starting to accept that she’d have to live with limited range of motion the rest of her life. Kathy’s visits lasted 6 months with chiropractic adjustments, graston, ART and Cold laser. She went from being 4 inches away from touching her own ear to placing her hand at the base of her neck. She can now use a curling iron to style her hair something she dreamed about before chiropractic treatment.
I know from personal conversations with each of these patients and many others that they wished they had tried chiropractic sooner. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, give me a call to set up a free consultation to talk through a treatment plan. You don’t have to accept daily pain and a diminished quality of life. Chiropractic may be the answer you’ve been seeking.
Dr. Ian Stone
Same-Day Appointments, Insurance Accepted, Free Consultations….what’s stopping you from feeling better today?
BY: Ian Stone
A.R.T. / chiropractic / cold laser / feet / graston / injury / Medical Articles / pain / wellness
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There is a song by Lit that has this lyric:
Ain’t it the truth! At least I know it is true for me. So many times we know what we should do to make ourselves better and healthier and yet we chose the complete opposite thing. Why do we do that? Is it easier to make that choice? In the long run it makes us feel worse about ourselves. So why do we keep doing it? Why do we keep sabotaging ourselves?
Here are 4 ways to combat that self-sabotage when it comes to working out.
You have all your appointments on your calendar and you see them on your smart phone all day long. Put your workout on your calendar and make an appointment with your gym. Once it is on your calendar, don’t miss it! Treat it like all the other important things you have to do.
I have all my workout times on my calendar. I try to schedule all my other appointments and my kids’ appointments around those workouts. When it’s scheduled into your life you are more likely to do it because you have planned ahead to use that time for yourself.
YES your job is important, don’t skip work to workout, unless you work from home and you sneak one in — you know who you are— but schedule time before or after work to invest in your health. And YES, it is just as important to take that time for yourself as it is to take your kid to camp, tuba lessons, the orthodontist or on a play date.
Make gym time a priority for yourself.
Friends are fun. Friends keep you accountable. Friends will suffer with you when you are doing burpees.
If I know a friend is expecting me to be there, I am going to show up. Accountability. Make a workout pact with a friend or group of friends. For, example commit to being at the gym at least three times a week or agree to do a certain number of classes per month, then encourage each other to keep this pact.
Studies show that we work out harder when we are in a group. So friends help us have better work outs.
And you will finally be able to afford a personal trainer if you bring your friends. Group training is a whole lot cheaper than paying for a one on one session of personal training — insert shameless plug for Tribe Training here — Oh BRAINSTORM a good workout pact would be to try a couple of training sessions together! — and end shameless Tribe Training plug —
I will continue saying this forever, working out doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. You can work hard and play hard it’s ok to laugh with your friends at the gym.
So tell your friends to meet you at the gym, you’ll be less likely to stay home and eat potato chips on the couch.
We may not all be training for the Olympics or the Crossfit games, but we can set fitness goals for ourselves to give us something to work toward and keep us motivated.
A fitness goal needs to be SMART
Specific — clear and concise
Measurable — specific criteria that you can monitor or track
Attainable, — are you willing to work for this goal, are you capable
Realistic — is the goal achievable
Time-bound — set a deadline
What is it you want to be able to do physically? Get through an entire Attack class doing the highest options the whole time? Do all the push ups on your toes in class? Deadlift a certain amount of weight? Run a 5K with out walking, a marathon? Do a pull-up, unassisted? A hand stand push up? Lose 10 lbs? Be able to carry your 5 year old up the stairs because he asked you to and not be winded?
The possibilities are endless, use your imagination and then run your goal by an instructor or personal trainer to make sure it is a SMART goal.
Confession time: if I only worked out when I felt like it then it would very rarely happen. There are so many reasons I could just skip the gym. Aches and pains, I got plenty. Actual injuries, yep. A million other things to do, yep. Tired, yep. Unmotivated, you bet. Most of the time, I just pack my gym bag and go anyway. I have actually shown up extra early for a workout after dropping off a kid at camp or lessons or wherever because I knew if I went back home I wouldn’t leave again to make it to the gym (but it’s on my calendar so I have to go!).
There have been countless times that I am on my way to the gym thinking, “I really don’t feel like doing this today.” But, once I get started I am so glad I am there .
I can not think of one time I have ever regretted a workout. Even if I have completely sucked at it that day. Some days are better than others, some days you kill it some days you feel like it is killing you. And that’s OK because you still
benefited from that gym time.
You should always feel like you have accomplished something at the end of your workout Because you have! Each sweat session is a step closer to your goal. Each workout makes you stronger, fitter, healthier. Each time you get yourself to the gym when you really didn’t want to go you have punched self-sabotage in the face.
BY: Trudy Huter
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / Motivation
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What’s in that gym bag?
I know if you have seen me walking into the gym carrying my giant bag packed with stuff you are thinking, “Why in the heck do you carry that giant bag with all the stuff in it to the gym everyday?”
It’s not just that I like to pick up and carry heavy things. It’s because I NEED all those things in my bag. I really do. I use them everyday. You may not think you need all of the things but there are a few essentials you might want to consider.
Here are the Top 5 things in my gym bag
Your body is 60% H2O and if you don’t have enough hydration your body will not function properly.
Here are just a few of the things your body has to deal with when dehydrated:
Your body can’t control its temperature as efficiently.
You will feel fatigued.
Your energy level plummets.
It can cause headaches.
You may have trouble remembering things and concentrating.
Let’s face it working out is hard enough with out starting with all of the above It’s even more important to stay hydrated while exercising so you can perform at your best.
The recommendation for water intake is commonly about eight 8-ounce glasses per day which is about half a gallon. If you are physically active (work out alot) or it’s hot and/or humid outside you need even more. That’s a lot of liquid! Water is great but it gets boring drinking plain old water all day long. I like to put a scoop of Rehydrate in my water. There are lots of different yummy flavors and it also contains electrolytes (these are super important for maintaining the health of your cells and help make sure your nerves and muscles function properly), amino acids (which help feed your muscles), antioxidants (which fight free radicals) and some good carbs (which fuel your muscles for sustained endurance). There are lots of sports performance rehydration drinks out there for you to try just be sure to stay away from those with added sugars and empty calories.
Workout shoes are expensive. I’m only going to wear mine in the gym. These are not my street shoes for being out and about and walking around the neighborhood, they are my kicking butt at the gym shoes. I can’t stress enough the importance off a good quality proper workout shoe. Improper footwear can cause injuries to your feet, ankles, calves etc. Plantar fasciitis comes to mind, and I hear that it is excruciating. So it’s worth investing in a quality shoe that is specific to the type of exercise you are doing, your foot type and your gait type. I’ve read several articles by experts —how you become a shoe expert I am not sure but anyway — the general consensus is that you should replace them about every six months. Did I mention that workout shoes are expensive? I walk into the gym in my converse or flip flops and change into my workout shoes to save wear and tear on the shoes.
Yeah so I am not as young as I used to be, I can admit that. But even the youngest, fittest athletes get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Its that awesome stiffness, discomfort, let’s just call it what it is—pain that you feel twenty four to forty eight hours after a workout. Just because you are sore does not mean that you should skip your next work out though. Topical analgesics such as Tiger Balm, Aspercreme, Benygay and BioFreeze can be effective in providing temporary relief so you can push through the next work out. Stretching, heating pads, warm salt baths and massages are also great for DOMS. Please note that there is a huge difference between muscle soreness from a work out and actual injury pain. If you have an injury you should consult a doctor and follow the physician’s advice. If you are sore from your last work out rub some BioFreeze on it and get back to business.
I sweat A LOT. You know that saying that goes, “Nobody ever downed in sweat”? Well, yes I almost have. On more than one occasion I have been in the middle of a workout, it’s a cardio peak, I inhale my own sweat, I choke. I gotta wipe that stuff off my face or I might die! Also sweat in your eyes hurts. Plus you don’t want to drop a bar on your face because your hands are sweaty or slide off your bench or leave a giant sweat angle on the floor for someone else to slip on and fall to their death. Sweat towels, they could save a life.
Let’s talk about being HANGRY. I love food and working out makes me hungry. Do you know why working out makes you hungry? Because you are burning off a ton of calories in the gym your body knows this and wants to refuel. Post work out snacks are important to restore energy and rebuild muscle. You should eat within thirty minutes to two hours after you exercise. If you can make it to two hours post workout session until you eat you are impressive. I have to eat something in the car on the way home. For real, because I am hungry after a workout. Don’t use your workout as an excuse to eat junk though. Refuel your body with the good stuff. I could go on for pages and pages about the science behind protein synthesis and nitrogen retention and glycogen restoration and all things biomechanics (wait I already lost you back at protein synthesis right) but I will spare you the science lesson and just say that you need the right protein and carbohydrates post work out. So what do I snack on after a work out?
Here’s a quick list:
FitAid — A great post workout drink. It’s full of B vitamins, branched-chain amino acids, L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, Vitamins C and D3, Glucosamine, Turmeric and CoQ10. Again I won’t bore you with science but your body needs all these things especially after a workout. It has a light citrus flavor and it’s carbonated so you feel like you are treating yourself to a soda but it’s healthy!
Quest protein shake — There are a ton of protein shakes on the market but Quest is my favorite because of the variety of delicious flavors. Salted Carmel! Cookies and Cream! It also dissolves quickly and completely in water. Also there is zero sugar in this stuff and it is made with all natural ingredients.
Blueberries — Low in calories but high in nutrients. They are a super food. Studies have shown they lower cholesterol levels, help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, help maintain brain function and improve memory and last but not least a recent study shoed that blueberries may help reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Antioxidants are amazing y’all.
Justin’s Nut Butter — I know this sounds hilarious but it is delicious, especially the chocolate almond and they come in individually portioned packages that are easy to throw into the gym bag. Spread some of this nut butter on an apple or banana or rice cake. Yum
Almonds — Speaking of nuts…great source of protein and minerals that your body needs. This is another super food packed with good stuff that will do great things for your body. Just don’t eat too many at one sitting. It’s easy to start popping them in your mouth and loose track of how much you’ve had. Blue Diamond has individual packs that are the perfect snack size.
There is a whole lot of other stuff in my gym bag too UFC gloves, chalk, jump ropes, mini resistance bands, first aid kit, Fitradio, training binder, I could go on and on but that’s a blog for another day.
BY: Trudy Huter
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / Motivation
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You will never know until you try!
So what stops people from trying new things? Specifically what stops people from trying new workouts, exercises, group classes or hitting the gym in the first place?
“I’ll never be able to do that, it’s too hard for me.”
“What if I fail?”
“What if I look silly?”
“I don’t know how to do that.”
You will never know until you try.
Everyone starts from their own beginning. You can’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. In fact, let’s not compare ourselves to each other at all. Let’s just compare ourselves to ourselves. Think about where you started from, did you think you would be where you are now?
We all have different circumstances, health issues, and life issues, that contribute to our levels of fitness. Some days are better than others even for the most elite athletes. Working out is supposed to be a challenge that is why it is called WORKING out and not napping or brunch.
You might find a workout that you absolutely need in your life if you try something new.
Body Combat anybody? I just love punching and kicking imaginary opponents. Or pretending to punch and kick actual people, like my teenagers who can, on rare occasions, be a giant pain in the…well you get the idea.
But I digress, the point is you might realize that you are a Deadlift Diva or the that you rule the HIIT workouts. You might find that lifting is your favorite.
You may even prove to yourself that you can do things you never thought would be possible.
You will never know until you try.
You can’t learn from the mistakes you don’t make. I wish I had thought up that little gem on my own but actually I heard it on the radio the other day. I am not even sure what the song was, I only caught the last chorus, but I have been repeating that to myself ever since. It’s ok to make mistakes and in fact, that’s how we learn the most valuable lessons.
You just might surprise yourself and succeed.
What if I look silly?
Honestly, if you are worried about what you look like at the gym, you might not be in the right place. You are gonna get hot you are gonna get sweaty. Your hair will be a mess, you might pee a little. Do not fear the silly, embrace it. Listen, if we have to do the work to be healthy and fit why can’t we have fun with it? And if we are laughing at ourselves we are exercising our souls as well as our bodies.
You might come to realize that some of your best moments are spent being silly in the gym.
You will never know until you try.
I don’t know how to do that.
Want to know a mind blowing, life changing secret? Nobody has it all figured out, well besides Oprah. The rest of us are all just figuring it out as we go along. But isn’t it comforting to know you don’t have to do it alone? Dedicated instructors and trainers actually want to teach you things about working out and being fit, like it’s their job or something. Weird. You will probably make them swoon if you ask a question about proper form or ask them to show you a new exercise. They live for that stuff! And don’t forget about all those other people at the gym who feel like they don’t know what they are doing either, exercise partners and gym buddies provide a powerful combination of support, accountability and motivation. It’s a group effort.
You might find you make some of the best friends of your life at the gym in that new class you almost didn’t try.
You will never know until you try.
BY: Trudy Huter
fitness / Motivation
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Tribe Training with Trudy!
Now Introducing New Membership Opportunities!
Starts May 3!
CHAMP is thrilled to be rolling out new fitness opportunities! Many of you may know Trudy; she’s been a member at CHAMP from the very beginning. Trudy is recently re-certified as an ACE Fitness Trainer and she can help you reach your next fitness level!
We will have the basic membership, a two tiered membership – Warrior, and three tiered membership – CHAMPION
What is Tribe Training?
Tribe Training is an exciting new opportunity for CHAMP members to experience personal training as a small group. When you sign up for Tribe Training you will get weekly sessions with your group for an entire month.
What types of exercises will be included?
We will utilize the new personal training space and use a variety of equipment from barbells to kettle bells, machines to medicine balls and beyond. If you have ever wondered what those ropes, sleds and other weird looking pieces of equipment are for, here is your chance to find out. Each session will be unique. Members will get to experience all types of training including tabata, HIIT, AMRAP, strength training, etc. And I will have some fun surprises too.
When will Tribe Training be offered?
We will begin Tribe groups in May. Initially sessions will be offered on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm and Fridays at 11:00 am. You must sign up in advance and come to the same time slot each week. More times can be added depending on member demand and feedback.
Why is group size limited?
Groups are limited to no larger than 8 people at a time. This will allow me to be able to give personalized attention to each member. .I will be able to coach for correct form and supervise everyone’s movements through each exercise.
How is Tribe Training different from group fitness classes?
A group fitness class is choreographed and everyone is doing the same exercise at the same time. In training groups people may be doing different exercises at their own rate of speed, intensity and ability. Also, programs are customizable.
What are the advantages of small group personal training?
There are three major benefits that come to mind immediately. Affordability, motivation and variety.
Affordability: People shell out hundreds of dollars a month for personal trainers. With group training you share that cost with your group. And, I’ve done the math, Tribe Training is the best deal in town. It’s a ridiculously good price for a month’s worth of sessions.
Motivation: There is more energy in a group setting. Your work out partners help to motivate you and to help keep you accountable. You show up because you know your group is expecting you to be there. You may even work a little harder because you see how hard the rest of your Tribe is working. And it’s just more fun to do things as a team.
Variety: I love group fitness classes and continue to do them as often as I can. Training mixes up my workouts and adds variety. I can target specific muscle groups or set a goal and crush it. Hitting the training room will help you take your fitness to the next level. Really, it’s science! Your body will adapt to the specific demands placed on it (it’s called the SAID principle, specific adaptation to imposed demands). Doing the same things all the time will result in exercise plateaus. You aren’t getting any stronger, more muscular or can’t lose any more weight because your body has become efficient enough to complete the workout you keep doing. Adding training sessions in addition to your regular classes will maximize your progress and you will see greater results.
How much does it cost?
Tribe Training will be an option you could include in your monthly membership if you sign up to be a Warrior or Champion level member at CHAMP. In addition, if someone wanted to just do group training for a month — say you have a spouse or friend who would never do a group fitness class but wants to work out with you — it would be $70.00. Either way it works out to $17.50 per session. Like I said, best personal training deal in town.
Will there be childcare available?
Yes there is childcare during the two Tribe Training times that are available right now. It is included with your membership.
How do I sign up?
There are sign up sheets at the front desk and soon you will be able to sign up online as well. First come first served
BY: Trudy Huter
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / Motivation
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Get your ZZZZZs… Sleep!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ… SLEEP! How important is it? How much do we need?
Research has shown that sleep is as vital to your body as eating, drinking, and breathing. While sleeping, your body heals and repairs from the day’s events and contributes to your physical health and emotional well-being.
Here are a few health risks associated with sleep deprivation:
-Cognitive Impairment (memory loss, inability to properly process information, decreased reaction time)
-Symptoms similar to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
-Irritability (increased levels of stress, depression)
-Aching muscles (due to increased levels of inflammation in the body)
-Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (brought on by obesity)
-Risk of Obesity (the balance of the hormones ghrelin and leptin – which control appetite- are effected by lack of sleep and can lead to weight gain)
-Risk of Heart Disease (due to increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels)
-Risk of Colon and Breast Cancer (due to decreased levels of the hormone melatonin)
(photo credit, Dana Stone)
The following chart depicts the amount of sleep needed for optimal health. Keep in mind that an abundance of sleep can be just as harmful as lack of sleep!
Age and condition | Sleep Needs |
Newborns (0–2 months) | 12 to 18 hours |
Infants (3–11 months) | 14 to 15 hours |
Toddlers (1–3 years) | 12 to 14 hours |
Preschoolers (3–5 years) | 11 to 13 hours |
School-age children (5–10 years) | 10 to 11 hours |
Adolescents (10–17 years) | 8.5 to 9.25 hours |
Adults, including elderly | 7 to 9 hours |
Pregnant women | 8(+) hours |
You are all working so hard to reach your fitness goals! Make sure you are giving your muscles, brain, bones, joints… adequate time each night to repair and strengthen before stepping into CHAMP again!
Happy Snoozing!!!!
BY: Dana Stone
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / les mills / News
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What is 60% of your Body Weight?
That’s right! Water is the largest component of the human body – comprising of about 60% of your body weight. Your brain, skin, kidneys, heart, cells, muscles, joints, digestion, and temperature are greatly affected by your hydration level. I like to think of my blood vessels and organs as a big water park – if the water flow is low are turned off, the park doesn’t function properly… kids would get stick to the bottom of the slides, the equipment would get Very hot and unusable. Your body is the same way. You must be properly hydrated to get nutrients swooshing through your blood stream like The Summit Plummet at Disney! So how do we make sure we are properly hydrated????
First, go to It’s a really cool hydration calculator to get an estimate of how much fluid you should consume each day. Then, follow these 3 hydration steps to stay safe and maximize your performance!
performance suffers when you start an activity dehydrated. with less circulating fluid, your heart has to work harder and your body temperature rises higher and faster. Your body is not able to cool itself properly and your endurance suffers.
ACSM (American College of Sport’s Medicine) recommends 14-20oz of fluid 2-hrs BEFORE an activity.
not too little – not too much – the best way to hydrate is to calculate and then match your Sweat Rate (go to ) For strenuous activity lasting more than an hour hydrating with a sports drink will help you replace lost electrolytes.
rehydrate with 16oz of fluid for every pound you lose due to physical activity!
Now you have a few tips and tools to utilize to keep you running like a CHAMP, but remember, with each workout you are getting fitter. Your lungs, muscles, and bones are getting stronger; your body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol may be decreasing; and your body is becoming more efficient at sweating! You may start to notice that you start sweating earlier — your body is catching on that you are serious about this fitness stuff and so it starts to sweat earlier in the workout so that you will not get overheated. Next, your body becomes more efficient at cooling you off — the volume of sweat is increased (i.e. the puddle you are laying in after BodyStep) and your sweat composition changes so that you lose fewer electrolytes. So, as with everything keep reassessing and adjusting and enjoy your new found ATHLETIC GLOW!
Happy Glistening,
BY: Dana Stone
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / les mills / Medical Articles / Weight Loss
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